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- Mar 12
How SG Budget 2021 helps SMEs and Startups in Singapore

The Government of Singapore is devoted to helping the companies in Singapore through short-term challenges while partnering with them to develop the capacity to be better prepared for recovery. At each stage, with every scale of the enterprise and every business goals, the Singapore Government will continue to provide resources for companies to develop capabilities.
Below is a list of how the SGBudget2021 will support your business transformation across six key areas – Business development and leadership, internationalisation, digitalisation, innovation, sustainability and job and skills. The Singapore Government has also implemented the COVID-19 Relief Measures to support businesses and preserve jobs and the livelihood of our workforce.
COVID-19 Relief Measures
Enterprise Financing Scheme – Trade Loan (EFS-TL)
The ESF-TL (formerly known as Loan Insurance Scheme Plus) aids businesses’ trade financing needs. It was earlier enhanced in April 2020 to provide a higher Government risk-share of 90% and a higher maximum loan quantum of SGD 10 million.
The ESF-TL has been extended for another six months, from April 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021.
The maximum loan quantum will remain at SGD 10 million from April 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021.
The Government’s risk-share of loans will be lowered to 70% from April 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021.
Enterprise Financing Scheme – Project Loan (EFS-PL)
The EFS-PL has been enhanced from January 1, 2021, to March 31, 2022, to support project loans for domestic construction projects, in addition to overseas projects.
The maximum loan quantum for domestic project loans is SGD 30 million.
The Government’s risk-share of loans is up to 70%.
Special Situation Fund for Startups (SSFS)
SGD 285 million has been set aside for the Government to invest in selected startups with private sectors co-investors on a 1:1 basis. It is to sustain startup innovation and entrepreneurship activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The scheme will end when the funds are fully committed or by October 31, 2021, whichever is earlier.
Temporary Bridging Loan Programme (TBLP)
The TBLP was introduced in Budget 2020 to provide additional working capital support for enterprises.
The TBLP has been extended for another six months, from April 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021.
The maximum loan quantum is SGD 5 million till March 31, 2021. It will be lowered to SGD 3 million from April 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021.
The Government’s risk share of loans is 90% till March 31, 2021. It will be lowered to 70% from April 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021.
Jobs Support Scheme (JSS)
The JSS was introduced in Budget 2020 to provide wage support for employers to retain their local employees during this period of economic uncertainties. It has been extended for firms in Tier 1 and 2 sectors by up to six months, covering wage paid up to September 30, 2021.
Tier 1 sectors (Aviation, Aerospace, and Tourism) that are currently receiving 50% JSS support, will receive 30% support for wages paid from April to June 2021 and 10% support for wages paid from July to September 2021.
Tier 2 sectors (e.g. Food Services, Retail, Marine & Offshore, Arts & Entertainment) that are currently receiving 30% JSS support, will receive 10% support for wages paid from April to June 2021.
Tier 3A sectors will continue to receive 10% JSS support for wages paid from September 2020 to March 2021.
Employers that are not allowed to resume on-site operations currently receive Tier 1 JSS support for wages paid up to March 2021. For wages paid from April 2021 onwards, JSS support will revert the firms’ base JSS tier.
Foreign Worker Levy (FWL) Rebate
Firms in Construction, Marine Shipyard and Process (CMP) sectors can receive FWL rebates from April 2020 to December 2021 (SGD 90 for each Work Permit holder, from October 2020 to December 2021)
Sectoral Packages
Additional support will be provided to hard-hit sectors to help businesses preserve core capabilities and emerge stronger. Businesses may approach the relevant agencies for further information.
Arts & Culture Resilience Package (Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth/ National Arts Council)
SingapoRediscovers Vouchers (Singapore Tourism Board)
Sports Resilience Package (Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth/ SportSG)
Tourism Development Grants (Singapore Tourism Board)
Build and enhance management and enterprise capabilities to grow the business.
Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)
Businesses can tap on support for projects in three key areas – core capabilities, innovation and productivity, and internationalisation.
Enhanced support to cover up to 80% of qualifying costs has been extended until March 31, 2022.
Unionised enterprises and Employment and Employability Institute (e2i) partners under the Labour Movement can qualify for an additional 10% funding, subject to NTUC-e2i’s endorsement.
Enterprise Financing Scheme (EFS)
Provides support for businesses at various stages of growth to access financing.
EFS covers six different areas – working capital, fixed assets, venture debt, trade, projects, and mergers & acquisitions.
Stronger support for young businesses.
Refer to details of Temporary Bridging Loan Programme (TBLP) and enhancements to EFS-Trade Loan and EFSProject Loan. The maximum loan quantum supported for EFS-Venture Debt will be raised from SGD 5 million to SGD 8 million.
Enterprise Leadership for Transformation (ELT)
Supports business leaders of promising SMEs in achieving the next bound of growth, through structured modular training in business growth capabilities and business coaching in developing a business growth plan.
Offers access to an alumni network for peer learning and collaboration.
The ELT is delivered by a network of partners including Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs), financial institutions, and industry experts.
Supports trade associations and business chambers in engaging experienced professionals with relevant expertise, and matches them to businesses to assist in transformation, capability building, and internationalisation efforts.
GoBusiness Gov Assist e-Adviser
The e-Adviser guides businesses to relevant assistance schemes via a series of questions based on their business profile and needs.
Heartland Enterprise Upgrading Programme (HEUP)
An integrated support package for selected Merchants’ Associations to implement holistic precinct rejuvenation plans, through infrastructural improvements, place-making activities, capability upgrading projects, and training for businesses and workers.
National Centre of Excellence for Workplace Learning (NACE)
Supports companies to build their in-house and workplace learning capabilities, as well as certify workplace trainers using best-in-class training practices through customised solutions.
PACT Programme
Supports mutually beneficial collaborations between companies driven by a lead enterprise, to build capabilities, innovate and pursue new business opportunities in local and overseas markets. Funds up to 70% of qualifying costs.
Scale-up SG
Enhanced support to cover up to 80% of qualifying costs has been extended until March 31, 2022.
SkillsFuture Leadership Development Initiative (SkillsFuture LDI)
Businesses can leverage on SkillsFuture LDI to develop and/or enhance their in-house leadership development programmes (for example overseas assignments and cross-functional rotations) to expand their pipeline of Singaporean talent.
SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC)
Additional support for employers investing in workforce and enterprise transformation.
Up to SGD 10,000 credit per firm to cover up to 90% of out-of-pocket expenses on qualifying costs for the workforce and/or enterprise transformation programmes.
SME Centres
SME Centres provide business diagnosis and advisory services, capability workshops and group-based upgrading projects for micro and small enterprises.
For a two-year pilot commencing in 2020, SME Centres will take on the role of growth partners for promising micro and small enterprises, to jointly develop business plans and support implementation efforts.
SkillsFuture Queen Bee (SFQB)
Businesses can build industry-relevant skills by participating in projects and training programmes curated by SFQB companies. Participating SMEs can also access the skills to support the ecosystem through advisory from the SFQBs to diagnose and identify their skills needs.
Support for Job Redesign under Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG)
Businesses can access a wide range of pre-scoped solutions, including IT solutions, equipment, and consultancy services (e.g. job redesign). Businesses will be able to achieve productivity gains and offer more enriching jobs with better wages for workers.
Provides enterprises with funding support to work with pre-approved job redesign consultants to redesign work processes, tasks, duties and responsibilities to support business transformation needs.
From February 16, 2021, to March 31, 2022, PSG-JR will be enhanced to provide stronger support for employers to engage pre-approved job redesign consultants.
Employers can receive up to 80% funding support for job redesign consultancy, capped at SGD 30,000 per company, for approved projects.
Venture overseas and seize opportunities from regional and global markets.
A*STAR Partners’ Centre @ Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP) (A*PC)
A*PC supports “regional-ready” Singapore enterprises as they embark on R&D and commercialisation in China via Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP), intending to capture opportunities in Jiangsu and the greater Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region.
A*PC’s partner companies can leverage A*STAR’s scientific expertise and capabilities to build R&D competencies and co-develop technologies with A*STAR in Singapore, focusing on areas such as biomedical sciences, nanotechnology, and advanced manufacturing, before productising these technologies for the China market. These companies can accelerate the pace of their R&D and innovation by tapping on A*PC’s facilities and laboratories.
Double Tax Deduction for Internationalisation (DTDi)
Businesses are allowed a tax deduction of 200% on qualifying market expansion and investment development expenses, subject to approval from Enterprise Singapore or Singapore Tourism Board (STB). •
No prior approval is required from Enterprise Singapore or STB for a tax deduction on the first SGD 150,000 of qualifying expenses incurred on automatic DTDi activities.
The following enhancements to the DTDi will take effect for qualifying expenses incurred on or after February 17, 2021.
a. Enhancement to the scope of the DTDi to cover specified expenses incurred to participate in virtual trade fairs approved by Enterprise Singapore.
b. Expansion of the list of qualifying expenses for overseas investment study trip to include logistics costs to transport materials/samples used during the investment trips.
c. Inclusion of five additional qualifying activities under the automatic DTDi list, up to the current annual expense cap of SGD 150,000.
Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)
Businesses can tap on support for projects in three key areas – core capabilities, innovation and productivity, and internationalisation.
Enhanced support to cover up to 80% of qualifying costs has been extended until March 31, 2022.
Unionised enterprises and Employment and Employability Institute (e2i) partners under the Labour Movement can qualify for an additional 10% funding, subject to NTUC-e2i’s endorsement.
Enterprise Financing Scheme (EFS)
Provides support for businesses at various stages of growth to access financing.
EFS covers six different areas – working capital, fixed assets, venture debt, trade, projects, and mergers & acquisitions.
Stronger support for young businesses.
Refer to details of Temporary Bridging Loan Programme (TBLP) and enhancements to EFS-Trade Loan and EFSProject Loan. The maximum loan quantum supported for EFS-Venture Debt will be raised from SGD 5 million to SGD 8 million.
Enterprise Singapore Overseas Centres
Businesses can tap on the support of Enterprise Singapore’s in-market presence at over 35 international locations to generate new business leads, find business partners and acquire new technologies and capabilities.
Global Innovation Alliance (GIA)
Businesses can gain access to overseas partners for co-innovation and market expansion. Under GIA phase 2, we will scale up the network of overseas partners and expand the scope of GIA to include ESG’s co-innovation programmes (CIPs). CIPs are cross-border platforms that connect Singapore-based enterprises with overseas partners.
Provides market advisory services and trusted in-market business connections to Singapore businesses seeking to establish and expand their presence in Southeast Asia and other markets.
Global Ready Talent Programme (GRT)
Supports Singapore businesses to train and deepen in-market knowledge of their Singaporean employees and supports students of local IHLs to go on internships.
Grow Digital
Businesses can get a head start in going global. Get support to leverage digital platforms and channels for access to a larger pool of consumers overseas, and to test new markets. Businesses can also receive training and support to enhance their e-commerce capabilities.
Market Readiness Assistance (MRA)
Businesses can tap on the MRA for in-depth FTA consultancy and support for overseas business development.
Under MRA, businesses may also apply for a premium subsidy when taking up trade credit insurance to protect themselves against buyer default.
Enhanced support to cover up to 80% of qualifying costs has been extended until March 31, 2022
PACT Programme
Supports mutually beneficial collaborations between companies driven by a lead enterprise, to build capabilities, innovate and pursue new business opportunities in local and overseas markets. Funds up to 70% of qualifying costs.
SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC)
Additional support for employers investing in workforce and enterprise transformation.
Up to SGD 10,000 credit per firm to cover up to 90% of out-of-pocket expenses on qualifying costs for the workforce and/or enterprise transformation programmes.
Southeast Asia Manufacturing Alliance (SMA)
The SMA is a tripartite programme between EDB, ESG and private sector partners, to promote a network of industrial parks to manufacturers who are interested to invest in both Singapore and the region. The alliance will help businesses grow their manufacturing footprint in Southeast Asia and diversify their supply chains.
Eligible companies that invest in both Singapore and regional industrial parks as part of the SMA network can apply for a number of benefits, including:
(i) supplier identification and matching service;
(ii) differentiated tier of pricing for logistics services;
(iii) facilitation and support for Industry 4.0 pilot implementation programmes with Singapore solution providers; and
(iv) support for eligible innovation activities undertaken in Singapore.
Support workers in their skills training so that they remain relevant to the changing needs of the industry.
Jobs Growth Incentive (JGI)
Supports employers who hire local jobseekers, whereby there is an increase in overall local workforce size and increase in the local workforce earning more than or equals to SGD 1,400/ month, compared to their local workforce in the baseline month. For new hires made between September 2020 and February 2021 (inclusive), the baseline month is August 2020. For new hires made between March 2021 and September 2021 (inclusive), the baseline month is February 2021.
The support is 25% on the first SGD 5,000 of gross monthly wages paid to all new local hires for up to 12 months.
For mature local hires aged 40 and above, all persons with disabilities, and ex-offenders, the support is 50% on the first SGD 5,000 of gross monthly wages for wages from September 2020 to February 2021, and 50% on the first SGD 6,000 of gross monthly wages for wages from March 2021 onwards for up to 18 months.
Capability Transfer Programme
Provides funding support for businesses to
(i) bring foreign specialists into Singapore to train their local employees in new capabilities on a time-limited basis;
(ii) send local trainees for overseas training attachments to acquire new capabilities; and
(iii) support local specialists (who were previously trained by foreign specialists or trained overseas) conducting capability transfer training for locals.
Career Conversion Programmes
Help local jobseekers reskill and make career transitions by supporting employers in hiring and training workers. Employers may receive course fee funding and salary support of up to 90% during the period of reskilling for mid-career job seekers.
Career Trial
Allows employers and jobseekers to assess job fit through a short-term trial. Employers receive salary support if they offer employment paying at least SGD 1,500 (for a full-time position) or SGD 750 (for a part-time position) at the end of the trial.
Enabling Employment Credit
Provides wage offsets to employers of Singaporean persons with disabilities aged 13 and above and earning below SGD 4,000 per month. They receive a wage offset of up to 20%, capped at SGD 400 per month. Also, employers hiring persons with disabilities who had not been working for the past six months before being hired will receive an additional wage offset of 10%, capped at SGD 200 per month, for the first six months of employment.
Enhanced Training Support for SMEs (ETSS)
Higher course fee subsidies and absentee payroll funding when SMEs sponsor their employees to attend courses supported by SSG.
Enhanced Training Support Package
Provides time-limited enhancements to course fee subsidies for employers in sectors directly affected by the COVID-19 outbreak when they sponsor their workers for eligible courses and enhanced absentee payroll (AP) rates for all employers.
Lean Enterprise Development Scheme
Provides grants and transitional foreign manpower support to businesses undertaking transformation projects to become more manpower-lean.
Open Door Programme
Supports employers to hire, train and integrate persons with disabilities into the workforce through recruitment and job support services, training grant as well as a Job Redesign Grant.
Part-Time Re-employment Grant
Supports businesses that provide part-time re-employment opportunities to all eligible senior workers who request it.
From February 16, 2021, companies will be required to adopt the Tripartite Standard on Age-Friendly Workplace Practices to qualify for the grant.
Senior Worker Early Adopter Grant
Supports businesses in raising their company-level retirement and reemployment age above the minimum statutory requirements.
From February 16, 2021, the grant will be streamlined to a single-tier to benefit companies who increase their internal retirement and reemployment ages by three years or more. Companies will also be required to adopt the Tripartite Standard on Age-Friendly Workplace Practices to qualify for the grant.
SGUnited Jobs and Skills Schemes for Persons with Disabilities
Enhances access to employment and training opportunities for persons with disabilities amid COVID-19 through three types of programmes – Placeand-Train (PnT) programmes, Attachand-Train (AnT) programmes and Skills Development Programmes (SDP). The schemes will lower the costs for employers, host companies and training providers in offering these opportunities to persons with disabilities.
SGUnited Jobs – HR Programme Manager Initiative (HRPM)
The Singapore Business Federation (SBF) has been appointed by ESG and WSG as the central coordinator for this initiative, where SBF works with other TACs to assist in employment facilitation efforts amongst member companies.
This programme, which involves business-to-business (B2B) matching, complements other channels (e.g. the MyCareersFuture portal) by making the job matching process more proactive through company-to-company brokering, facilitated by HRPMs.
SGUnited Traineeships (SGUT) / SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programmes (SGUP)
Supports businesses that are unable to hire immediately in accessing talent to support their business needs, and tap on Government funding during the duration of the traineeship or attachment in preparation for economic recovery.
Skills Frameworks
Provides reference information for businesses to design their human resource strategy and talent development plans. Each framework provides key information on the sector, career pathways, job roles, existing and emerging skills required, and suggested training programmes.
SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC)
Additional support for employers investing in workforce and enterprise transformation.
Up to SGD 10,000 credit per firm to cover up to 90% of out-of-pocket expenses on qualifying costs for the workforce and/or enterprise transformation programmes.
SkillsFuture JumpStart! Workshop
Businesses can learn about the available jobs and skills resources and grants through this specially curated workshop.
SkillsFuture Queen Bee (SFQB)
Businesses can build industry-relevant skills by participating in projects and training programmes curated by SFQB companies. Participating SMEs can also access the skills to support the ecosystem through advisory from the SFQBs to diagnose and identify their skills needs.
SkillsFuture Series
Businesses can use these short, industry-relevant programmes to train employees in emerging and priority areas, namely data analytics, finance, tech-enabled services, digital media, cybersecurity, entrepreneurship, advanced manufacturing and urban solutions.
SkillsFuture Work-Study Programmes
Businesses can groom and hire fresh talent through Work-Study Programmes across Certificate, Diploma, Post-Diploma, and Degree levels. Businesses will jointly design and deliver with Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) and appointed private providers.
Support for Job Redesign under Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG)
Businesses can access a wide range of pre-scoped solutions, including IT solutions, equipment, and consultancy services (e.g. job redesign). Businesses will be able to achieve productivity gains and offer more enriching jobs with better wages for workers.
Enhanced support to cover up to 80% of qualifying costs has been extended until March 31, 2022.
TechSkills Accelerator (TeSA)
Supports both current information and communications technology (ICT) professionals and non-ICT professionals to upgrade and acquire new skills and domain knowledge that are in demand, and to stay competitive and meet the challenges of a fast-moving digital landscape.
TeSA’s Company-Led Training Programme has been enhanced to provide more support for businesses looking to hire, and Mid-Career Advance Programme will train mature PMETs aged 40 and above.
Wage Credit Scheme
Provides co-funding of wage increments for Singaporean employees earning a gross monthly wage of up to SGD 5,000.
Extended by one year at a co-funding level of 15%.
Build stronger digital capabilities to seize growth opportunities in the digital economy.
100% Investment Allowance
To continue supporting businesses, especially SMEs, to embark on largescale automation projects, the 100% Investment Allowance (IA) will be extended for another two years until March 31, 2023. Projects that receive the Enterprise Development Grant under the Productivity and Innovation thrust may be eligible for the 100% IA, subject to conditions.
The 100% IA will be provided on the amount of approved capital expenditure, net of any grants received for the same qualifying expenditure.
Digital Leaders Programme
Enables promising, high-potential local companies to become digital leaders by equipping them with digital capabilities and talent to transform their business models and capture new growth opportunities.
Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)
Businesses can tap on support for projects in three key areas – core capabilities, innovation and productivity, and internationalisation.
Enhanced support to cover up to 80% of qualifying costs has been extended until March 31, 2022.
Unionised enterprises and Employment and Employability Institute (e2i) partners under the Labour Movement can qualify for an additional 10% funding, subject to NTUC-e2i’s endorsement.
Emerging Technology Programme
Co-funds the costs of trials and adoption of frontier technologies like 5G, artificial intelligence, and trust technologies.
Hawkers Go Digital
To encourage the adoption of e-payments in hawker centres, wet markets, coffee shops and industrial canteens, a bonus of SGD 300 will be given per month, over five months.
The bonus eligibility period was extended from December 31, 2020, to May 31, 2021, to provide more time for stallholders to adopt the e-payment solution.
Industry Digital Plans
Sector-specific Industry Digital Plans provide step-by-step guides on the relevant digital solutions that SMEs can adopt and suitable employee training at each stage of their growth. SMEs that adopt pre-approved digital solutions as recommended in the Industry Digital Plans can also receive funding support from PSG.
Open Innovation Platform (OIP)
Provides a structured process to support businesses and Trade Associations & Chambers in identifying possible areas of digital innovation and matching them with solution providers. The platform has been enhanced with new features to enable better matching, testing and development.
Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG)
Businesses can access a wide range of pre-scoped solutions, including IT solutions, equipment, and consultancy services (e.g. job redesign). Businesses will be able to achieve productivity gains and offer more enriching jobs with better wages for workers.
Enhanced support to cover up to 80% of qualifying costs has been extended until March 31, 2022.
SkillsFuture for Digital Workplace
Helps businesses build digital confidence in staff and equip them with the basic digital skills required for the workplace over a two-day course.
SMEs Go Digital Programme
Businesses can tap on support available under SMEs Go Digital, a whole-of-government programme that helps businesses develop digital capabilities.
Start Digital
Businesses can take up a Start Digital Pack that provides simple Accounting, HR Management System & Payroll, Digital Marketing, Digital Transactions, Digital Collaboration and Cybersecurity solutions. Businesses can get a waiver of six months subscription fee for any two solutions with a minimum 18-month contract agreement.
Grow Digital
Businesses can get a headstart in going global. Get support to leverage digital platforms and channels for access to a larger pool of consumers overseas, and to test new markets. Businesses will also receive training and support to enhance their e-commerce capabilities.
Advanced Digital Solutions
Businesses can access up to 80% funding support to adopt advanced digital solutions. These solutions will help businesses deepen their digital capabilities to strengthen business continuity measures and build resilience.
Chief Technology Officer-as-a-Service (CTOaaS)
Supports SMEs to uncover their digitalisation needs and transform their business operations through professional IT consultancies offering end-to-end digital advice, from digital consultancy tailored to business needs, to downstream project implementation.
Digital Resilience Bonus
Provides additional support for enterprises to uplift their digital capabilities for business growth. Up to SGD 5,000 bonus for F&B and retail enterprises that adopt PayNow Corporate and InvoiceNow, as well as business processes or e-commerce solutions, between June 1, 2020, and June 30, 2021.
Additional SGD 5,000 bonus for enterprises that adopt digital solutions for data mining and analytics.
Create new products and services or enhance work processes through technology and collaboration.
A*STAR Collaborative Commerce Marketplace (ACCM)
An online platform that businesses can use to find partners, solutions and network for innovation opportunities.
Centres of Innovation (COIs)
Supports businesses in the development and testing of new technology products, through the provision of technical consultancy services, access to specialty equipment, and IP translation services.
Corporate Venture Launchpad
Provides co-funding for corporates to build new ventures through pre-qualified venture studios.
Digital Services Lab
Businesses partner with IMDA, tech providers and research institutions to co-develop digital solutions to address sector-wide challenges.
Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)
Businesses can tap on support for projects in three key areas – core capabilities, innovation and productivity, and internationalisation.
Enhanced support to cover up to 80% of qualifying costs has been extended until March 31, 2022.
Unionised enterprises and Employment and Employability Institute (e2i) partners under the Labour Movement can qualify for an additional 10% funding, subject to NTUC-e2i’s endorsement.
Enterprise Financing Scheme (EFS)
Provides support for businesses at various stages of growth to access financing.
EFS covers six different areas – working capital, fixed assets, venture debt, trade, projects, and mergers & acquisitions.
Stronger support for young businesses.
Refer to details of Temporary Bridging Loan Programme (TBLP) and enhancements to EFS-Trade Loan and EFSProject Loan. The maximum loan quantum supported for EFS-Venture Debt will be raised from SGD 5 million to SGD 8 million.
Headstart Programme
Improves SMEs’ access to intellectual property (IP) by providing royalty-free and exclusive licences for up to 36 months, for IP co-developed with A*STAR.
Innovation Advisors Programme*
Businesses are guided by innovation mentors who will advise them in the development of innovation strategies, new products and solutions to address market needs and connect businesses to technology and business partners.
*Formerly known as Innovation Agents Programme
IPI Singapore
Online marketplace and consultancy for businesses to connect with providers of suitable technology IP and demand-led innovation opportunities for business needs.
Intellectual Property (IP) Schemes
Businesses can access subsidised programmes including IP audit, IP strategy advisory, IP analytics and business/ legal clinics to accelerate the translation of technologies, brands and IP to the market.
National Innovation Challenges (NIC)
Businesses can address national and industry-wide challenge statements, in partnership with sector leads like TACs, other enterprises, and IHLs/RIs.
Open Innovation Network (OIN)
Gateway to open innovation challenges, news and resources for businesses to learn more about open innovation, find new opportunities to develop new products with market-fit and address their business needs.
Open Innovation Platform (OIP)
Provides a structured process to support businesses and Trade Associations & Chambers in identifying possible areas of digital innovation and matching them with solution providers. The platform has been enhanced with new features to enable better matching, testing and development.
Operation and Technology Roadmap (OTR)
An initiative that supports companies in mapping their current and emerging technology needs to support future growth. Companies that work with A*STAR to develop their OTR roadmaps are eligible for a grant from ESG that will cover up to 70% of the qualifying cost incurred.
Consortium OTR (COTR) is also available to cater to the needs of a group of companies.
PACT Programme
Supports mutually beneficial collaborations between companies driven by a lead enterprise, to build capabilities, innovate and pursue new business opportunities in local and overseas markets. Funds up to 70% of qualifying costs.
Singapore Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation (SIFBI)
SIFBI undertakes R&D and innovation in food, to support Singapore’s “30 by 30” goal by boosting local production capabilities and tap opportunities from global demand for safer, healthier, and more sustainable food.
SIFBI brings together research capabilities across A*STAR covering biotransformation, fermentation, nutrition, food process engineering, agri-food technology, alternative protein, waste valorisation, and safety research under one roof.
Startup SG
Startups and entrepreneurs can assess a wide range of support, including:
Startup SG Equity
Stimulates private sector investments into Singapore-based technology startups with sound intellectual property and global market potential.
Startup SG Founder “Start” Track
Provides mentorship and startup capital grant to first-time entrepreneurs with innovative business ideas.
Startup SG Founder “Train” Track
Venture Builder and Accredited Mentor Partners (‘VB-AMPs’) with strong track records of venture building to provide 3-month Venture Building (VB) programmes for local aspiring entrepreneurs.
Startup SG Infrastructure
Provides physical spaces (e.g. LaunchPad @one-north) for startups to grow, experiment and flourish.
Startup SG Talent
Supports startups’ talent needs.
Startup SG Tech
Provides funding for startups to carry out Proof-of-Concept and Proof-of-Value projects for proprietary innovative technologies.
Tech Access
Businesses can access a comprehensive suite of A*STAR’s advanced manufacturing equipment and biotech/ biomedical scientific services, under the guidance of technical experts.
Technology for Enterprise Capability Upgrading (T-Up) Programme
Businesses can get access to talent from A*STAR’s Research Institutes for up to two years to help build in-house R&D capabilities through projects defined and managed by companies. Up to 70% of secondment costs is covered by ESG.
Become more sustainable and build capabilities to seize growth opportunities in sustainability.
3R Fund
Supports organisations/companies to reduce waste disposed of at NEA’s incineration plants and disposal facilities through the implementation of waste minimisation and recycling projects.
Projects that increase the quantity of solid waste (this excludes toxic and chemical wastes) recycled or a reduction in the quantity of solid waste generated are eligible. The minimum tonnage eligibility is 100 tonnes reduced, reused or recycled over the whole project duration.
Grant support of up to 80% of qualifying costs, subject to a cap of SGD 1 million per project or applicant.
Energy Efficiency Fund (E2F)
Supports businesses with industrial facilities to improve energy efficiency, for example, in energy-efficient technologies; energy assessment; energy management information system (EMIS); resource-efficient design; and low-global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant chillers.
Grant support of up to 50% of qualifying costs for the above areas highlighted, except for low-GWP refrigerant chillers. Low-GWP refrigerant chillers grant applicants may reach out to NEA with project details for an estimate of grant quantum.
Enterprise Sustainability Programme (ESP)
Supports local enterprises to develop capabilities in sustainability, and seize opportunities in sustainability.
This includes supporting local enterprises to adopt sustainability practices; enhance their resource efficiency; and develop products and services to capture new business opportunities in sustainability.
More details to be released later in 2021.
Genco Energy Efficiency (EE) Grant
Supports power generation companies (gencos) to invest in energy-efficient equipment or technologies that can improve overall generation efficiency, and reduce carbon emissions.
Grant support of up to 50% of qualifying costs.
Incentive Scheme for Advanced Combined Cycle Gas Turbines (CCGTs)
Supports power generation companies’ (gencos) deployment of advanced CCGTs.
Grant support will be computed based on the net disadvantage that an advanced CCGT will incur, compared to an F-class CCGT.
Investment Allowance for Emissions Reduction (IA-ER)
Supports manufacturing companies and data centres on projects which result in a measurable and verifiable improvement in energy efficiency (EE) or reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
The IA-ER is an enhancement of the former Investment Allowance (Energy Efficiency) (IA(EE)). The project eligibility criteria will be expanded to cover the reduction in GHG emissions, in addition to improvements in energy efficiency.
The revised conditions will apply to projects approved by EDB from April 1, 2021, to December 31, 2026.
Resource Efficiency Grant for Energy (REG(E))
Supports manufacturing companies and data centres to implement projects that improve energy efficiency or reduce non-CO2 greenhouse gas consumption.
Grant support corresponds to the amount of carbon abatement, up to 50% of qualifying costs.
Quick Summary
We hope that this list of how the SGBudget2021 will support your business transformation across six key areas can help you and your company out during these trying times. Do drop us a message if you’re unsure or uncertain of anything and we will do our best to help you out!
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