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Innovations that became popular during the pandemic

The unprecedented onslaught of COVID-19 has not hampered human ingenuity and resilience. As the pandemic reared its menacing head, people found ways not only to survive but to thrive in the new normal. Thanks to these innovations, humanity found a way to fight back.
E-commerce. As a stay-at-home order took effect, businesses had to find a way to reach their customers. This catapulted e-commerce at the forefront of the so-called new normal. Not only did it become the most effective way for people to gain access to essential products, but it also became the lifeline for most brick-and-mortar shops struggling to get by. The viability of e-commerce allowed businesses to see a future where the virtual presence can expand their reach exponentially. And with consumers intimating that they plan to continue e-shopping in a post-pandemic world, there’s really no going back. Without a doubt, e-commerce is the future and it’s here to stay.
Telemedicine. The pandemic forced people to rethink the usual way of doing things, to limit interaction in the hope that everyone can pitch in stopping the spread. But what if you’re feeling sick but are concerned about going to the hospital given the current situation? Enter telemedicine! Now, you can gain access to the services of your physician via telemedicine. This innovation provided a safe route for doctors and their patients to connect. Doctors can even make e-prescriptions that are duly recognised by drugstores.
Virtual meetings. Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Google Meet, Big Blue Button – all these became the norm for classes, meetings, and conferences. These virtual meeting platforms helped keep schools open as their virtual plane became the new classroom. They helped governments continue to function with most meetings done online for safety purposes. They also connected teams wherever they are in the world as this pandemic forced us to stay put in the safety of our homes. Virtual meetings became the go-to way to socialise, to connect, to learn something new. It made life during the pandemic a lot less stressful and a tad normal.
Entertainment online and streaming services. With concerts and other large-scale gatherings put on hold, many artists and studios released new material via live streaming platforms such as Netflix, Spotify, Amazon Prime, and Disney+. This innovation has become the lifeline of an ailing entertainment industry that strives to survive a time when people would rather watch films in the safety of their own homes.
Social distancing. Limiting face-to-face contact became one way to combat the spread of the virus. This is why work from home and home deliveries became the norm in the foreseeable future. Some countries are taking this innovation to heart. Singapore, for example, has deployed a robot to remind park visitors to observer proper distance at all times.
Indeed, when push comes to shove, the human spirit always prevails. These innovations are proof that no matter how tough times become, we are tough enough to keep ongoing.
Let’s explore more innovations that are surely good for business. Chat with us today!
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